iManage Training round

iManage training and adoption services

We offer a range of adoption services to help new and existing users get the most from iManage. They are designed to maximise confidence, capability, and efficiency whilst minimising disruption.

iManage Training Program round


  • Removes the burden of training new employees from internal resources, allowing people to focus on their day job.
  • Effective training and support for new hires will make them be productive, faster.
  • New employees will receive formal high-quality training and support from experienced iManage trainers.
  • Our ‘Masterclass’ sessions can be attended by people of all experience levels, improving confidence and efficient capability.
  • Our services are bespoke and personal, incorporating your system setup, best practices, allowing learners to ask questions and discuss workflow scenarios.
  • People can keep up with new iManage features and enhancements, ensuring they are receiving the maximum value from the iManage system and are more resilient to change.

New starter iManage training

New employees need to receive quality training to ensure they can hit the ground running and use iManage with confidence. Unfortunately, many organisations do not have the internal resources or experience to deliver this, and over time this can lead to iManage adoption issues. 

Ascertus can plug this gap by providing iManage training for your new employees. Our iManage Essentials and follow-up training sessions can be delivered onsite, or remotely. New starters will benefit from receiving bespoke training from our expert iManage trainers. 

New starter programme

iManage Essentials - 90 minutes

Follow up session: User Q&A and recap - 30 Minutes

Masterclass sessions

iManage Trianing round
iManage Trianing round
iManage Trianing round

iManage Essentials - 90 minutes

This course explores the essential features and functionality of iManage Work 10, including both the iManage Work 10 Web and Desktop clients:

•    iManage Work 10 concepts & system overview.
•    Workspace creation (where relevant).
•    Locating and navigating workspaces and folders.
•    Opening and saving documents.
•    iManage Work in MS Office.
•    Searching for documents and emails.
•    Email and attachment management.
•    Introduction to iManage Share (where relevant).
•    User Q&A.

We will also provide learners with the latest version of our iManage Work 10 reference guides.

Follow up session: User Q&A and recap - 30 Minutes

This session can be delivered a week or two after the iManage Essentials session. It provides an opportunity for Learners to ask any questions they may have, and to recap key topics. This session will deal with any initial frustrations and build confidence.

Masterclass sessions

Any of the Masterclass sessions can be delivered to New Starters. This will help cement adoption and maximise confidence and capability. Existing members of staff can also be invited to these sessions, increasing the value gained.

iManage Masterclass sessions

Over time, people can easily develop inefficient habits, risky workarounds and generally may not be getting the best from iManage. To help maximise user adoption we offer several iManage Masterclass training sessions, covering topics where user confidence and capability are often lacking.

Our expert trainers will explain key functionality, plug knowledge gaps, discuss best practices, and share our top tips. The sessions are interactive - learners can ask questions and discuss working practices with the trainer and colleagues. It’s also an opportunity to remind learners about value-adding features which may have slipped from memory. 

Masterclass topic

Searching in iManage - 45 minutes

Managing versions in iManage - 45 minutes

iManage Share - 30 minutes

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iManage Training round
iManage Training round

Searching in iManage - 45 minutes

iManage Work 10 provides incredible search capabilities, but many people are unaware of the best methods to use when searching. This can be a frustrating process, often resulting in too many (irrelevant) documents/emails being returned. This session will explore searching best practices and top tips:

•    Performing a simple search – top tips. 
•    Correctly setting the search scope. 
•    Wildcard and Boolean searching (including keyword proximity searches).
•    Using Advanced Search. 
•    Saving searches. 
•    Learner Q&A.

Managing versions in iManage - 45 minutes

One of the biggest benefits of using iManage is version control. It’s vital to know which document is the source of truth, to collaborate effectively with internal and external people, to minimise risks, and to manage the drafting process in a simple and logical way. In this session we explore version control in detail, discussing best practices and reviewing typical scenarios where version control needs to be considered:

•    Creating Versions.
•    Locating and understanding how versions are displayed and organised.
•    Recovering documents from a previous version.
•    Comparing versions.

iManage Share - 30 minutes

iManage Share lets you securely share content with external users. It provides seamless integration with iManage Work and Microsoft Outlook. Confidence and governance are key – this session covers everything you need to know:

•    Sending secure links to documents.
•    Creating a shared folder and managing security.
•    Adding documents to a shared folder.
•    Shared folder administration.

Service Options

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Training Subscription

This is an extension to your Ascertus Support contract. It provides access to regular training time throughout the year. This time can be used when you need it and training content can be customised to meet your needs, and to reflect your system setup and best practices. The subscription also provides access to our up-to-date iManage user reference guides. Every time iManage release new features, we update our guides to reflect these changes.

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Remote or onsite delivery

Our training sessions are typically delivered remotely. Training can also be delivered onsite, but please note this may incur additional travel costs, depending on your location. Remotely delivered sessions can be recorded.

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Bespoke and ad-hoc adoption services

Any of our services can be delivered as and when you require. We can also develop a bespoke programme to align with your specific goals and requirements. This could relate to new starter or refresher training, to explore new iManage features, or for additional technical training for your IT team. We happy to discuss this with you.

Useful Resources

iManage Training

Need to discuss iManage training with a colleague? Download our iManage Training brochure

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