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What is matter management?

Helps in-house legal departments to become profitable and not seen as a cost center

With the wide variety of matters that corporate legal departments have to manage, a legal matter management system is essential for process standardisation and efficient service delivery.

Corporate inhouse legal departments work load is largely dictated by the type of business they represent.  Rome can’t be built in a day, so we often start with one of the most time onerous projects to reduce the impact on the legal team, irrelevant of their size which, is the legal request process.   Lawyers waste hours dealing with legal requests, providing updates and managing tasks that take them away from what they should really be doing to add value to the business.

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Matter management benefits

  • Secure, searchable, central location for organisations’ legal matters
  • Visibility of the entire matter landscape
  • Legal request management
  • Integration with document and email management system, seamlessly connecting matters to documents
  • Flexible reporting and dynamic dashboards
  • Support for compliance activity
  • Productivity and efficiency gains to users

There are many matter management systems available. Establishing the businesses needs in partnership with Ascertus can help to define product selection and ultimately deliver the most value.


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