document automation round

Document automation for law firms

Smarter Drafter empowers law firms with advanced automation solutions that seamlessly transfer senior expertise to all team members. Drastically reduce drafting time, improve accuracy, and expedite the approval process by building automations into your legal documents.

Smarter Drafter integrates effortlessly into existing digital environments such as Microsoft Word and iManage, delivering a streamlined workspace for lawyers while minimising change management and app fatigue.

Why law firms need document automation

Process efficiency

Document ReportingRepeatable document creation using pre-designed templates and clauses, saving time compared to manual methods.

Document accuracy

metadataReduce errors by automatically populating, and verifying, documents with client-specific details.

Centralised document control

Version ControlMaintain up-to-date precedents to ensure compliance with legal standards and updates, ultimately reducing risk from outdated content.

Focus on strategy

Efficiency iconFree legal professionals to concentrate on strategic tasks rather than manual document management.

Unlock the power of automation within your firm

custom automation

Customised automation

Build forms that dynamically adapt to the end user’s responses. By intelligently skipping irrelevant sections, client documents are faster to produce and easier to review.

Single Source Truth

Single-source of truth

Maintain client records in a single location. Through seamless integration with your document management system, completed documents can be saved directly to matters.

Point Click

Point and click builder

Give your Knowledge Team the power to automate even the most complex precedent adding intricate decision trees, calculations and end-user guidance through a no-code visual builder.

automatic intake

Automatic intake

Your client’s instructions are automatically added to the document in Smarter Drafter. The pre-population of instruction data will dramatically reduce your drafting time, allowing you to focus on what’s really important.

clause library round

Better together with smarter clauses

Access a complete clause bank through the Smarter Drafter platform. Complete the final version in an environment you know.

  • Edit in MS Word - Send your first draft straight to MS Word and start editing. The Smarter Drafter Add-In for MS Word allows you to add any final touches to client documents in an environment you know and trust.
  • Firm-wide clause bank - From a single sentence to a page of text, create and maintain a firm-wide Clause Bank without ever leaving MS Word. Search, filter and preview to find the clause you need, then one-click insert directly into your document.
  • AI-enabled - As the clause bank expands, the AI-enabled natural language question and answer feature ensures that your team finds the latest and most appropriate clauses for each matter.

How is Smarter Drafter different from other automation platforms?

Smarter Drafter goes beyond “find and replace” built into static templates. In Smarter Drafter, conditionality underpins all stages of the document assembly process, ensuring that complex scenarios can be built directly into the automation.


questionnaireBased on the answers provided, the conditionality changes the next questions presented (or not) to the client. The conditionality can be applied down to the values within a dropdown field, the radio buttons that can be selected, the minimum dollar amount entered, or the earliest date that can be entered.

Step by step guidance

guideanceSmarter Drafter guides both lawyers and clients through every step of a matter. 
The guidance delivered on screen can also be conditionally updated based on the scenario.

Document and clause inclusion

termsConditionality within Smarter Drafter drives the drafting outcome, ensuring that all necessary documents from the precedent library are included and the correct clauses are applied in all instances.

Speak to an expert

Why legal technology implementations fail

A legal tech implementation may fail due to poor user adoption, inadequate training, and lack of proper integration. Generally, if a legal technology product isn't user-friendly or well-integrated with other tools, or if its benefits aren't clear, users may resist adopting it and continue using familiar, less efficient methods. In this situation it becomes challenging to achieve ROI, or the implementation can fail altogether.

The Ascertus solution

At Ascertus we work collaboratively with our vendors and clients alike. This means we work in partnership to:

  • Establish business needs and objectives
  • Review appropriate solutions
  • Build an implementation strategy
  • Develop a bespoke onboarding program
  • Train employees to ensure adoption
  • Provide ongoing support and advice
Everything you need to make a SmarterDrafter implementation successful.
Ascertus process

Four steps to start your Smarter Drafter journey

Book a meeting

One of expert consultants will discuss any business pain points and objectives.

Product demo

Based on the initial discovery we will tailor a solution on demo the benefits.

Project scope

Align on timings, budget and project structure, to support the Business Case.

Strategy defined

An in-depth implementation strategy is defined to ensure projects success.

Speak to an expert

Smarter Drafter resources

How to automate the documentation process?

Smarter Drafter automates document creation for law firms, using intelligent Q&A forms and integrating with Microsoft Word for seamless management. It offers a library of precedents and clauses, ensures compliance, reduces errors, and incorporates e-signature functionality. Integration with Practice Management Systems streamlines workflow, allowing efficient tracking and management of client documents from initial instructions to final e-signatures.

How can I draw up a legally binding agreement?

To create a legally binding agreement using Smarter Drafter, log in and select a template. Complete the Smart Q&A form to input details, customise as needed, and export to Microsoft Word for further edits. Integrate client details from your Practice Management System, send the document for e-signature, and save the final version to your document management system for secure storage​.

How to layout a legal document?

There is no set layout for legal documents. However, they should have a clear title, header, introduction, definitions, main clauses, sub-clauses, schedules, and signature spaces, with consistent formatting throughout. Smarter Drafter assists by providing professional templates, guiding through necessary details with intelligent Q&A forms, automatically formatting clauses, enabling customization, and integrating with Microsoft Word for further edits.


Want to learn how to work smarter and more securely?

Download our FREE eBook today to see how a centralised repository for matter-related information can help.