
Save 240 hours annually with iManage search | Ascertus

Written by Ascertus | May 15, 2024 2:40:28 PM

Find your matters, business content, documents and emails with iManage DMS

In the cloud or on-premises, iManage Work 10 offers exceptional search capabilities that help to streamline your day-to-day activities. In fact, the recent Forrester report found that searching for content in iManage saves, on average, 7 minutes per search. Annually, that's 240 hours or 30x 8-hour business days - an entire month!

In this short 2 minute video we show you how easy it is to find your documents and emails in iManage.

Don't have iManage DMS yet? Visit our iManage DMS page for a full list of features and benefits.

Audio transcript

In today's fast-paced business world time is money. Every second wasted searching for content often stored locally in multiple places you may not have access to, means lost productivity and missed opportunities. iManage work is the ultimate document and email management solution that puts relevant content at your fingertips, when you need it.

In fact, recent research found that the search time per document or email substantially decreased by 7 minutes. Now consider how many searches your business performs in a day, a week, a month. It's estimated each user saves 240 hours annually. Let's take a look at how easy it is to search for content using iManage.

In this example, I need to find all content relating to an Acme contract. It's easy! Simply tap in the relevant keywords and iManage will retrieve all documents and emails in seconds! Now I can use filters to narrow down my results. In this case, by location and by client reducing my search from 418 to just 9 results!

Ascertus is here to help you implement advanced search capabilities in your business. As an iManage implementation partner of choice, we can help you to scope out the project, implement iManage either on-premise or in the cloud, and provide expert ongoing support.